"... Beautiful 800 W´s..." Nr.5

by fetsyshkanynyaroslav | created - 25 Nov 2011 | updated - 18 Mar 2018 | Public

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101. Margaret Nagle

Writer | The Good Lie

Margaret Nagle first came to the attention of audiences and critics alike with her HBO film "Warm Springs," which won the Emmy for Outstanding TV Movie and received 16 additional Emmy nominations. For this film, which starred Kenneth Branagh and Cynthia Nixon as Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, ...

102. Majandra Delfino

Actress | Baron and Toluca

Majandra Delfino rose to fame in her role as Maria DeLuca on Roswell. Born in Caracas, Venezuela to a Cuban mother and Venezuelan father, Majandra lived between Caracas and Miami before permanently moving to Los Angeles in her late teens.

At 4 years old Majandra's parents reached a fork in the road ...

103. Maggie Q

Actress | Divergent

Margaret Denise Quigley was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, to a father of Polish and Irish descent (originally based in New York) and a Vietnamese mother. Her parents met during the Vietnam War. Maggie has two older half-siblings from her mother's previous marriage, and two older sisters. The family ...

104. Mariah Buzolin

Actress | All My Children

Mariah Buzolin, youngest child of two, was born on February 3, 1991 in Brazil. She moved to Los Angeles in 2007, where she began her career as an actress. Mariah Buzolin is best known for her role Maya Mercado in All my Children and for her role Zoe Mendez on Jane by design.

105. Marian Mercer

Actress | Nine to Five

Marian Mercer was born on November 26, 1935 in Akron, Ohio, USA. She was an actress, known for Nine to Five (1980), Great Performances (1971) and Out on a Limb (1992). She was married to Patrick Hogan and Martin Cassidy. She died on April 27, 2011 in Newbury Park, California, USA.

Born On November 26 (1935)

106. Marian Zapico

Actress | Tekken

Mix of cultures, Marian was born in Spain and lived in France, the US, south America and England. Marian grew up speaking Spanish, English, French and Italian. She's always had a passion for acting, her family, food and traveling. She played the piano as a kid. She moved to LA right after she ...

107. Mariana Da Silva

Actress | NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Mariana is a multi-talented actress and writer of Brazilian and Mexican descent, whose passion for storytelling and advocacy has made her a rising star in both the entertainment industry and the Latinx community. From her early beginnings at Telemundo's prestigious Taller Telemundo training program...

108. Mariana Klaveno

Actress | Superman & Lois

Mariana Klaveno (b. 25th October) is an American actress best known for her role as Lorena in HBO's True Blood. She also starred in the feature film While the Children Sleep (released as The Sitter on DVD) in the role of Abby Read in 2007.

She's guest starred in TV show episodes of Standoff, ER, and...

109. Mariana Santangelo Goldman

Actress | En la puta vida

Mariana Santangelo Goldman was born on November 21, 1975 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is a writer and actress, known for In This Tricky Life (2001), Miente (2009) and Soldadera.

Born on November 21 (1975)

110. Mariann Gavelo

Actress | The Cat

Mariann was born in Peru, her mom's side of the family is half Jewish/ half Catholic, and her father is a Peruvian Gypsy. As a kid, she was fascinated by the arts, and studied theater. When she moved to Miami, Mariann started appearing on major tv shows and commercials on Spanish networks. Her ...

111. Marianela Pereyra

Actress | ER

Never met Marianela? Duck!

Born of two professional tango dancers in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Marianela moved to the United States at the age of 5, and took her new country by storm! Soon after her arrival in Washington D.C., at the age of 13, she fell in love with Ballet, and was performing solos ...

Born On December 17 (1979)

112. Marianna Yarovskaya

Producer | Women of the Gulag

In 1998 Marianna directed and produced Undesirables, which won a Student Academy Award (Student Oscar) and screened at Cannes. Since 2000 she has worked for Discovery Channel, National Geographic, History Channel, and Greenpeace as Producer and Senior Editor. In 2006 she was Head of Research on An ...

Born On December 01 (1971)

113. Marianne Chambers

Actress | Law & Order: Los Angeles

Marianne Chambers was born on January 16, 1987 in Overland Park, Kansas, USA. She is an actress, known for Law & Order: LA (2010), CSI: NY (2004) and Applebaum (2012).

114. Marianne Farley

Director | Marguerite

Marianne Farley is an actress and director, known for White Skin (2004), The Christmas Choir (2008) and Imaginaerum (2012). She was born in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Marianne has recorded a couple of music discs, including one for the French market in Quebec. Her television and film work has been ...

115. Marianne Hagan

Actress | Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Marianne Hagan was born on December 8, 1966 in Mount Pleasant, New York, USA. She is an actress, known for Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995), Stake Land (2010) and I Think I Do (1997).

116. Marianne Jean-Baptiste

Actress | Without a Trace

Marianne Raigipcien Jean-Baptiste is an English actress. She is known for her role in the 1996 comedy-drama film Secrets & Lies, for which she received acclaim and earned nominations for the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress and the Golden Globe and BAFTA Award in the same category. ...

117. Marianne Maddalena

Producer | Wes Craven's New Nightmare

The wavy brunette and elegant producer Marianne Maddalena has Italian origins, but she was born in Lansing, Michigan in early 60s. She attended Michigan State University and she then traveled to Europe, to study and work in Italy and France. She enter in the world of cinema in early 1986, when she ...

118. Marianthi Evans

Actress | Max Payne

Marianthi Evans was born on November 25, 1977 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She is an actress, known for Max Payne (2008), Pay in Full (2010) and Defiance (2013).

Born On November 25 (1977)

119. Maricel Álvarez

Actress | Biutiful

Maricel Alvarez is a stage and film actress, director, choreographer and curator. Her practice develops at the intercrossing of theater, performance and visual arts, blending the boundaries where the body, as artistic and critical device, may reveal itself. This essentially interdisciplinary ...

120. Marthe Keller

Actress | Marathon Man

Marthe Keller was born on January 28, 1945 in Basel, Switzerland. She studied ballet as a child but stopped after a skiing accident at age 16. She changed to acting, and worked in Berlin at the Schiller Theatre and the Berliner Ensemble.

Keller's earliest film appearances were in Funeral in Berlin (...

121. Marie Avgeropoulos

Actress | Tracers

Marie Avgeropoulos currently stars as "Octavia Blake" in the CW's post-apocalyptic drama series, The 100 (2014). The Emmy- nominated series chronicles the surviving population living on a space station, called the ARK, who send a group of 100 delinquents down to earth. THE 100 set out to see if ...

122. Marie Blanchard

Actress | Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Marie was born and and raised in Port-au Prince, Haiti and moved to the United States in New Jersey 1996. She lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where she was able to launch a small business Scrappyscloset inspired by her puppy Scrappy. She went to school at the University of Houston for Petroleum ...

Born On December 02 (1985)

123. Marie Debrey

Actress | Sorority Sisters

Marie Debrey is an American actress of Hungarian descent, born and raised in Miami, Florida. She began her career in high school as a model, which lead to bookings in Italy, France, Japan, Guam, and many locations in the Caribbean. Acting opportunities encouraged her to pursue the field full time, ...

124. Marie Fink

Stunts | Interstellar

Marie Fink is known for Interstellar (2014), Inception (2010) and The Dark Knight (2008).

125. Marie Joelyn

Actress | Circle of Influence

Marie Joelyn is known for Circle of Influence (2011), Table 19 (2017) and A Winter Rose (2014).

126. Marie Marshall

Actress | Babylon 5

Marie Marshall is from Dallas, Texas. Parents Jane and Ralph E. Marshall, she is the youngest of two. Attended North Texas State University, and has a B.A. from The University of Texas at Austin. Her TV debut was playing Denise Darcy on 'As the World Turns' 1985-1988. During the next five years she...

127. Marie Matiko

Actress | The Art of War

Marie Matiko was born on September 12, 1970 in Los Angeles County, California, USA. She is an actress, known for The Art of War (2000), Mystery Men (1999) and Date Movie (2006).

128. Marie Slayton

Actor | 1505

Marie Slayton is known for 1505 (2009) and P Lo's House (2010).

129. Marie-Josée Croze

Actress | Les invasions barbares

Marie-Josée Croze first studied fine arts before opting for the stage at La Veillée-Prospero Theatre workshop in Montreal. In 1993 she got her first movie part in La Florida (1993) and started working for numerous Canadian TV series and movies.

In 2000, with her performance in Denis Villeneuve's ...

130. Mariel Hemingway

Actress | Manhattan

Mariel Hemingway was born on November 22, 1961 in Mill Valley, California, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for Manhattan (1979), Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) and The Sex Monster (1999). She was previously married to Stephen Crisman.

Born On November 22 (1961)

131. Mariela Arteaga

Actress | General Hospital

Mariela Arteaga is known for General Hospital (1963), Young Sheldon (2017) and Dancin' on the Edge (2007).

132. Mariela I'V

Actress | Tea Time

Mariela I'V (born Mariela Janette Ichazo V, May 10) is a Model, Actress,DJ and Producer. Bolivian roots, Spanish, Turkish and Italian descent. A eccentric method Actress. She is also known as DJ I'V LOVE, a electronic and dub-step style that includes a unique mix of alternative, rock, 80's, hip hop...

133. Mariela Santos

Actress | Persistence of Memory

Mariela Santos is known for Persistence of Memory (2014), Val/Val (2005) and NCIS (2003).

134. Retta Putignano

Producer | Time Toys

Retta Putignano is known for Time Toys (2016), Get Bossy (2020) and Parthenabe (2007).

135. Marijana Mikulic

Actress | Ne gledaj mi u pijat

Marijana Mikulic was born on December 6, 1981 in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is an actress, known for Ne gledaj mi u pijat (2016), Dead Fish (2017) and Prava zena (2016). She has been married to Josip Mikulic since September 24, 2005. They have three children.

Born On December 06 (1981)

136. Marika Dominczyk

Actress | The 40 Year Old Virgin

Marika Dominczyk is one of three daughters born to Aleksandra and Miroslaw "Mirek" Dominczyk. She immigrated to the United States as a child. Her father was one of the leaders in the Polish Solidarity movement. She is the younger sister of actress Dagmara Dominczyk whose husband is actor Patrick ...

137. Marika Engelhardt

Actress | Knives and Skin

Marika Engelhardt was born in Portland, Oregon, USA. She is an actress, known for Knives and Skin (2019), Chicago Fire (2012) and Easy (2016).

138. Marika Warner

Actress | Mr. Viral

Marika Warner is known for Mr. Viral (2012), Forbidden Science (2009) and Banana Girls (2010).

139. Marin Hinkle

Actress | The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel

Marin's parents met while serving in the Peace Corps. She was born in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, but her family moved to Boston, Massachusetts, when she was four months old. Two years later, her brother Mark was born. Her father, Rodney, is a retired school teacher. Her mother, Margaret, is a judge ...

140. Marilyn Porayko

Actress | Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie

Marilyn Porayko was born on December 20, 1979 in Canada. She is an actress and producer, known for Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie (2012), Lapse (2010) and Late (2013). She has been married to Tim Heidecker since June 2, 2007. They have two children.

Born On December 20 (1979)

141. Mariah Bess

Actress | Seabiscuit

Mariah Bess is known for Seabiscuit (2003), Miso and Hollywood Dreams (2006).

142. Marin Mazzie

Actress | Live from Lincoln Center

Marin Mazzie was born on October 9, 1960 in Rockford, Illinois, USA. She was an actress, known for Live from Lincoln Center (1976), Passion (1996) and V (1984). She was married to Jason Danieley. She died on September 13, 2018 in New York City, New York, USA.

143. Marina Gatell

Actress | Lalola

Marina Gatell was born on July 11, 1979 in Sabadell, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. She is an actress and art director, known for Lalola (2008), Little Ashes (2008) and Two (2021).

144. Marina Kotovnikov

Actress | Law & Order: Criminal Intent

Marina Kotovnikov was born on November 30, 1972 in Lvov, Ukrainian SSR, USSR [now Lviv, Ukraine]. She is an actress, known for Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001), Sex and the City (1998) and As the World Turns (1956).

Born On November 30 (1972)

145. Marina Sirtis

Actress | Star Trek: The Next Generation

Marina Sirtis was born in London, England, to Greek parents, Despina (Yianniri), a tailor's assistant, and John Sirtis. Her parents did not want her to become an actress. As soon as Marina completed high school, she secretly applied to the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. After her graduation, ...

146. Marina Saranga

Actress | Lost Girl

Marina has built a career in Film/TV and Digital appearing in various series such as Transporter (HBO), Rogue (DirecTV), Lost Girl (SyFy), and MudPit (Teletoon).

She was most recently featured in the digital pilot On a Quest.

As a special skill, Marina is also fluent in Russian and has been called on...

147. Marion Cotillard

Actress | La Môme

Academy Award-winning actress Marion Cotillard was born on September 30, 1975 in Paris. Cotillard is the daughter of Jean-Claude Cotillard, an actor, playwright and director, and Niseema Theillaud, an actress and drama teacher. Her father's family is from Brittany.

Raised in Orléans, France, she ...

149. Marisa Coughlan

Actress | Freddy Got Fingered

Born and raised in Minnesota, Marisa Coughlan attend the University of Southern California where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in French and Theater, after studying in Paris during her junior year.

She married Stephen Wallack, whom she had known since they were teenagers in Minneapolis, at a ...

150. Marisa Lauren

Actress | Superhero Movie

Marisa Lauren was born in Florida, USA. She is an actress and writer, known for Superhero Movie (2008), Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight (2008) and 90210 (2008).

151. Marisa Petroro

Actress | Ford v Ferrari

Marisa Petroro is an American film and television actress from Elizabeth, New Jersey, who is of Italian and Argentine descent. She is recognized for developing a diverse range of on-screen personalities. It's no wonder this Jersey girl has made a spot for herself in Hollywood.

At the tender age of ...

152. Marisa Ryan

Actress | Wet Hot American Summer

Marisa Ryan was born on November 20, 1974 in New York City, New York, USA. She is an actress and director, known for Wet Hot American Summer (2001), Riding in Cars with Boys (2001) and Cold Hearts (1999). She has been married to Nathan Graf since June 19, 2008. She was previously married to Jeremy ...

153. Marisa Saks

Actress | Scary Movie 5

Bravo TV's Millionaire Matchmaker star is also Founder and CEO 'Caviar Lifestyles' social connection app. A true mid-west girl, born and raised on the east side suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, Marisa graduated from The Ohio State with a BA in Journalism and Dramatic Arts. Like a true Gemini, her ...

154. Marisa Sullivan

Actress | Miss Cast Away

Marisa Sullivan is known for Miss Castaway and the Island Girls (2004), Come Together (2008) and Japan (2008).

155. Marisa Tomei

Actress | My Cousin Vinny

Marisa Tomei was born on December 4, 1964, in Brooklyn, New York, to Patricia "Addie" (Bianchi), a teacher of English, and Gary Tomei, a lawyer, both of Italian descent. Marisa has a brother, actor Adam Tomei. As a child, Marisa's mother frequently corrected her speech as to eliminate her heavy ...

Born On December 04 (1964)

156. Marisa Vural

Actress | Lost & Found

Marisa Vural is known for Lost & Found (2017), T.H.O.R. vs. The Ex (2017) and Law & Order: Criminal Intent (2001).

157. Marisela González

Actress | ¿Dónde está Elisa?

Marisela González was born on December 8, 1968 in Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia. She is an actress, known for ¿Dónde está Elisa? (2010), El Señor de los Cielos (2013) and En otra piel (2014).

158. Marisha Shine


Marisha Shine was born in Kyiv, Ukraine. She is known for Entourage (2015), Teeth and Blood (2015) and Moon Crash (2022).

159. Mariska Hargitay

Actress | Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Mariska (Ma-rish-ka) Magdolna Hargitay was born on January 23, 1964, in Santa Monica, California. Her parents are Mickey Hargitay and Jayne Mansfield. She is the youngest of their three children. In June 1967, Mariska and her brothers Zoltan and Mickey Jr. were in the back seat of a car when it was...

160. Marisol Carrere

Actress | I Am Julia

Marisol Carrere is a Film & Stage Actress, Writer & Producer, Founder of CARRERE FILMS INTERNATIONAL, LLC. Film Credits: The Inquisition of Camilo Sanz - LPZMedia/HBO Latino, Crack Down Big City Blues writer/Dir. Paul De Silva, Sex, Love & Salsa an Adrien Manzano film, Rin Rin En La Moto (2021) ...

161. Melody Chase

Actress | A Scanner Darkly

Melody Chase grew up in San Antonio, TX and the outskirts. It became very evident from the time she could walk and talk, that performing to an audience, no matter how big or small, came naturally. She played her first role in elementary school as Tweedle Dee, in "Alice in Wonderland". Although she ...

162. Marisol Miranda

Actress | Truth Be Told

Marisol Miranda is known for Truth Be Told (2019), The Rookie: Feds (2022) and High Maintenance (2016).

163. Marisol Nichols

Actress | Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Marisol Nichols currently (2023) stars opposite Jenna Ortega in Paramounts Winter Spring Summer Fall. She recently starred opposite Chris Rock and Sam Jackson as Capt. Angie Garza in the Lions Gate film Spiral, and opposite Eugenio Derbez in the Lions Gate comedy The Valet. On the small screen ...

164. Marisol Padilla Sánchez

Actress | Traffic

Marisol Padilla Sánchez is an American actress born on June 7, in Los Angeles, California, She is known for her profound dramatic roles in L.A. Confidential (1997), Traffic (2000) and Before Night Falls (2000) amongst others. Her mother Daniela Valli, a Mexican Actress and Trapeze Artist, and is ...

165. Marissa Dyan

Actress | City Guys

Marissa Dyan was born on July 20, 1975 in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA. She is an actress, known for City Guys (1997), Andy Richter Controls the Universe (2002) and Malibu, CA (1998).

167. Marissa Ribisi

Actress | Dazed and Confused

Santina Marissa Ribisi is an American actress who performed in the films Dazed and Confused, True Crime, The Brady Bunch Movie, Pleasantville, and Don's Plum and television shows such as Felicity, Friends, Grace Under Fire, Watching Ellie, and Tales of the City. She is the twin sister of actor ...

Born On December 17 (1974)

168. Maritza Murray

Actress | The Hot Chick

Maritza Murray was born on August 8, 1980 in California, USA. She is an actress, known for The Hot Chick (2002), ER (1994) and One on One (2001). She has been married to Sidney Loiseau since August 3, 2016. They have three children.

169. Marjan Neshat

Actress | RoboCop

Marjan Neshat was born on October 10, 1975 in Tehran, Iran. She is an actress, known for RoboCop (2014), Alfie (2004) and The Book of Henry (2017).

170. Marjane Satrapi

Director | Persepolis

Marjane Satrapi was born on November 22, 1969 in Rasht, Iran. She is a director and actress, known for Persepolis (2007), The Voices (2014) and Chicken with Plums (2011). She is married to Mattias Ripa. She was previously married to Reza.

Born On November 22 (1969)

171. Marjorie Andrade

Actress | Xica da Silva

Marjorie Andrade is known for Xica da Silva (1996), H.O.T.S. (1979) and Open Fire (1994).

172. Markéta Irglová

Soundtrack | Once

Markéta Irglová was born on February 28, 1988 in Valasské Mezirící, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]. She is an actress and composer, known for Once (2007), The Odd Life of Timothy Green (2012) and The Simpsons (1989). She was previously married to Tim Iseler.

173. Marla Sokoloff

Actress | The Practice

Born and raised in San Francisco, Marla Sokoloff moved to Los Angeles in 1994 and enrolled in the Los Angeles County High School of the Arts, where she studied theater and music. She won numerous awards and accolades for her singing, performing the national anthem at such high profile events as the...

174. Marlee Matlin

Actress | CODA

Marlee Beth Matlin was born on August 24, 1965 in Morton Grove, Illinois, to Libby (Hammer) and Donald Matlin, an automobile dealer. She has two older brothers. Her family is of Russian Jewish and Polish Jewish descent.

Marlee lost much of her hearing at the age of eighteen months. That did not stop...

175. Marlena Kalm

Actress | Natalie

Marlena Kalm is known for Natalie (2021), A Rising Tide (2015) and Future Weather (2012).

176. Marlene Favela

Actress | Rubí

Marlene Favela was born on August 5, 1976 in Santiago Papasquiaro, Durango, Mexico. She is an actress and executive, known for Rubí (2004), Contra viento y marea (2005) and Gata salvaje (2002). She was previously married to George Seely.

177. Marlene Forte

Actress | Star Trek

Marlene Forte is a Cuban-American actress born in Santiago De Las Vegas, Cuba. She was proudly raised in Hudson County, New Jersey -- a Bridge and Tunnel girl! A founding member of Labyrinth Theater Company in New York City, she credits her 30 year career to her Labyrinth Familia and now resides in...

178. Marlene Mc'Cohen

Actress | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

Marlene Mc'Cohen was born in Oldham, England, UK. She is known for It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (2005), Interstellar Wars (2016) and Captain Battle: Legacy War (2013).

179. Marley McClean

Actress | Serenity

Marley McClean was born on March 30, 1987 in Calabasas, California, USA. She is an actress, known for Serenity (2005), Star Trek: Voyager (1995) and Slums of Beverly Hills (1998).

180. Marley Shelton

Actress | Planet Terror

Marley Eve Shelton was born in Los Angeles, California, and grew up in Eagle Rock, CA. She is the daughter of Carol (Stromme), a teacher and singer, and Christopher Shelton, who worked as a director and producer. She has three sisters: Koren Shelton, Erin Shelton and Samantha Shelton. Both of her ...

181. Marlies Pinto

Actress | On a Dark and Stormy Night

Marlies Pinto was born on August 16, 1982 in Texas, USA. She is an actress, known for On a Dark and Stormy Night (2010), Who Shot Mamba? (2009) and An American Carol (2008).

182. Marlo Thomas

Actress | That Girl

Many well known and highly identifiable actresses have tried and failed to make the arduous crossover from fizzy TV sitcom star to mature, dramatic artist. Usually it was their hardcore fans who refused to accept them in any other light. Sally Field and Elizabeth Montgomery come first to mind as ...

Born on November 21 (1937)

183. Marnette Patterson

Actress | American Sniper

Marnette Patterson is an American-born actress who was raised in Los Angeles, California. Her name is a combination of her two great grandmothers: Mary and Nettie. Her aunt is Dana Dillaway, former child actress who appeared in Giant (1956) as Elizabeth Taylor and Rock Hudson's daughter Judy. ...

184. Marni Lustig

Actress | The Adventures of Sebastian Cole

Originally from Detroit, Marni became a professional actress at age 14 when prominent talent managers and agents spotted her working in a play at a theater camp in upstate New York, Stagedoor Manor. She began flying back and forth to New York for auditions and eventually landed the leading role of ...

185. Marquita Terry

Actress | Work in Progress

Marquita starred in her first television series, NBC's popular teen sitcom, USA High (1997). After completing just under 100 episodes, NBC added Marquita to the cast of Malibu, CA (1998), then in its final season.

Marquita went on to several guest star appearances on some of televisions most popular...

186. Marsha Ambrosius

Soundtrack | Guess Who

Marsha Ambrosius is known for Guess Who (2005), The Birth of a Nation (2016) and Floetry Feat. Common: SupaStar (2005). She has been married to Dez Billups since 2012. They have one child.

187. Marsha Dietlein

Actress | Getting Grace

Marsha Dietlein was born on August 1, 1965 in Springfield, Ohio, USA. She is an actress, known for Getting Grace (2017), The Fitzgerald Family Christmas (2012) and Newlyweds (2011). She has been married to Matthew Bennett since April 6, 2001. They have one child. She was previously married to ...

188. Marsha Thomason

Actress | White Collar

Marsha Thomason is a British television and film actress who is known for playing Sara Evers in Disney's The Haunted Mansion, Naomi Dorrit on the ABC series Lost, FBI agent Diana Berrigan on the USA Network series White Collar, Francine Bridge on Sky's Cobra and DS Jenn Townsend in ITV crime series...

189. Marta Aledo

Actress | Los abrazos rotos

Marta Aledo was born in 1978 in Madrid, Spain. She is an actress and director, known for Broken Embraces (2009), Seattle (2018) and Ponys (2005).

190. Marta Zolynska

Actress | Adventures Into the Woods: A Sexy Musical

Marta Zolynska AKA Mia Hope -Jewish girl from Poland who has recently came to Hollywood. Born in what was still Communist Poland, Mia Hope could paint before she could walk. She began to pursue her dream career as a painter as soon as it was available to her. Mia was accepted to the National ...

191. Martha Byrne

Actress | As the World Turns

Martha Byrne was born on December 23, 1969 in Ridgewood, New Jersey, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for As the World Turns (1956), Crisis (2014) and Gotham the Series (2009). She has been married to Michael McMahon since November 12, 1994. They have three children.

Born On December 23 (1969)

192. Martha Boles

Actress | Grey's Anatomy

Martha Boles is known for Grey's Anatomy (2005), Rules of Engagement (2007) and Brothers & Sisters (2006).

193. Martha Harrison

Actress | The Slugger's Wife

Martha K Harrison (known as M K Harrison to friends and family) was born in Sylvester, Worth County, GA to M. C. & Catherine Zorn Harrison. She arrived the morning of her sister Phyllis Harrison Orta McAlister's 13th birthday and was born under the veil. When news spread of this rare birth, the ...

Born On December 03 (1954)

194. Martha Higareda

Actress | Altered Carbon

Higareda was born in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico, the daughter of actress Martha Cervantes and therapist and artist Jose Luis Higareda, and sister of actress Miriam Higareda. She began acting on stage at a very early age, along with dancing jazz, flamenco, tap and folklore. At 14, she moved to ...

195. Martha Madison

Actress | One Mississippi

Martha Madison was born on July 27, 1977 in Newport News, Virginia, USA. She is an actress and producer, known for One Mississippi (2015), Days of Our Lives (1965) and To the Beat! (2018). She has been married to A.J. Gilbert since August 25, 2007. They have one child.

196. Martha Pabón

Actress | La casa de al lado

Martha Pabón was born on August 5, 1958 in Baranquilla, Colombia. She is an actress and producer, known for La casa de al lado (2011), Amaneció de golpe (1998) and The Archangel's Feather (2002).

197. Martina Andrews

Actress | Envy

Martina Andrews is known for Envy (2007), Bikini Destinations (2003) and Hooters Best Damn Dream Girl Special 2007 (2007).

198. Maruska Albertazzi

Writer | Posti in piedi in paradiso

Maruska Albertazzi is known for Posti in piedi in paradiso (2012), Sotto una buona stella (2014) and Fallo! (2003).

199. Mary Alexandra Stiefvater

Actress | Supergator

Mary Alexandra Stiefvater was born in Chico, California and grew up in Stockton, where she was first introduced to theater and dance at a young age. Educated at The University of California at Los Angeles, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in Theater, she also studied French cinema and ...

200. Mary Alyce Kania

Actress | Dexter

Mary Alyce Kania is known for Dexter (2006), CSI: Miami (2002) and Meridian (2012).

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