28 November 2001

First my layman's hat:

Entertaining enough considering it's age. A nice little story, quite fun as it went along and a funny joke which did actually make me laugh out loud at the end.

It's all quite simple. Some old guy appears. He says let's go find my dad and maybe treasure. They go off to a mysterious cave. They get in trouble. Superman gets them out. Sweet!

Secondly my expert's hat:

Well after a yeah of the most expensive animation of all time [so I hear] I guess it couldn't go on. This item is obviously less extravagant thatn those Dave Fleischer was knocking out in 1942. But the style and the care still seem to be these but after a year with 10 releases I guess the production couldn't keep up with the imagination.

Dave Fleischer had obviously rubbed his gift off on the people here. The man had made literally HUNDREDS of productions by this point and his influence still shows.

Finally my plain balding head:

It is nice to see that old rubbish like this can still entertain. It is a pity they didn't have more time and money to push their imaginations forwards a little more. I bet the comics of it's day weren't in this class.

Oh and it was nice to see Superman before he had a proper outfit, x-ray vision, invulnerability, laser eyes, breath of ice, speed of the puma and stuff.

Yes indeed a classic.
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