Fog Island (1945)
When Vengeance was Complete
16 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I think this may be the only film where those eternal movie baddies, George Zucco and Lionel Atwill, were teamed as enemies. Both usually gave trouble to people you liked, like Errol Flynn, Tyrone Power, even Basil Rathbone (both played Moriarty to Rathbone's Holmes in THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES - Zucco - and SHERLOCK HOLMES AND THE SECRET WEAPON - Atwill). Here Atwill is a man who helped frame Zucco with Jerome Cowan, Ian Keith, and two others, and Atwill also murdered Zucco's wife - for which Zucco was imprisoned. Zucco is determined to get back at all four. He does, posthumously (Atwill kills him first). I saw this film about 1968 or so. It convinced me that one can flood a room totally that was hematically sealed. I'm still not sure how it was done (some type of pump that is activated when a box is lifted from a floor - it is a really weird murder prop. The sequence of four people fighting the waters and each other in a hopeless attempt to remain afloat in a flooded room has remained with me ever since. FOG ISLAND is a terrible movie = hardly believable. But the cast is having fun, and it keeps your interest.
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