Outstanding war movie.
5 August 2004
Similar to "Command Decision", which was released a year earlier, Twelve O'Clock High is one of the most fondly-remembered and well-made war movies of all-time. It deals with its subject from a psychological viewpoint, with little direct action, but is nonetheless an absorbing and compelling film.

Gregory Peck is magnificent as General Frank Savage, a tough-talking air force general given the unenviable task of taking command at a beleagured American base in Britain. The previous commander, Colonel Davenport (Gary Merrill), lost his nerve as the toll of bungled missions and dead pilots began to weigh on his conscience. Savage initially whips the men into shape and, although they dislike his frank and uncompromising attitude, the fliers gradually find their morale improving. With their upturn in fortunes, however, comes a series of increasingly dangerous missions - and even Savage finds himself cracking under the pressure as did Davenport before him.

Peck is in fine form here (rarely was he better, other than in "To Kill A Mockingbird"). Special mention also to Hugh Marlowe as a misfit pilot who proves himself to be braver than anyone had ever foreseen, and Dean Jagger (an Oscar-winner for his work here) as an elderly paperwork clerk who occasionally stows away on risky bombing raids. The film explores the effects of high-pressure missions on the men involved, and comes to the disturbing conclusion that even the most iron-nerved of men can fold when the toll of war catches up with them. The psychological state of the characters becomes the main story thread - much more focal than, say, the actual bombing missions - but director Henry King ensures that the film remains thoroughly absorbing. You may come to Twelve O'Clock High expecting a film full of exhilarating aerial action, yet you won't get it. In spite of this, I guarantee you will still come away from the film totally affected by what you have seen. Great stuff.
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