One of the best sci-fi B-movies of the Fifties!
16 November 2002
One of the best sci-fi B-movies of the Fifties! Stalwart hero-scientist Carlson is really terrific and convincing too; stock footage of dynamo is realistically intercut with new footage of a movie set built to look exactly like the one in the German film GOLD (1934), in which stock footage from the 1934 film is intercut with new footage. The film succeeds on all levels, made for an adult audience, and although a 'modern' American film, it had a film crew with a heritage in German impressionist cinema of the 1930s. Highly recommended! Great Science Fiction! Probably the only Fifties SF film besides ON THE BEACH (1959) to show the nuclear radiation problem realistically; especially chilling is the scene on board an airliner where the nuclear scientist who had a hand in creating the monster (Leonard Mudie) is dying of nuclear radiation and his gums are bleeding while he holds onto a briefcase in his lap containing the radioactive isotope. Rushed to a hospital after the plane lands, he dies in isolation. And a formidable, unknown, unseen monster! Badly dated now, but an effective, well-written thriller featuring the TV star of I LED THREE LIVES and the movie star of IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE and CREATURE FROM THE BLACK LAGOON, Richard Carlson gives another fine performance.
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