Nostalgaic 60s Eurofantasy
21 May 2000
In the 1980's, video brought dozens of "classic" fairy tales to video for children to "enjoy". Many of these came from the 1960's and originated in foreign countries. The most common countries of origin were Mexico, Germany, and Russia. Of the three, Mexico's contributions are the most unbelievably bad and Russia's are the most gorgeously filmed. Germany's fairy tale films fall somewhere in-between.

"Snow White" is long out-of-print on the Interglobal Video label. American distributors added narration and an introduction by Paul Tripp and new music and songs as well. None of the new elements helped the film, they, if anything, killed the film. The film is rather well-filmed; the colors have faded with age, but look nice. The sets are great and the exteriors are gorgeous; this is Germany, of course. I remember hating this movie when I was younger, but now that I've seen it again, it holds a special camp value. I bought it at a used video place for $4.50 and was worth every penny (not more). A few bad things: the dwarves are played by little children, the songs are wretched, and most of the acting is pathetic. But it is beautifully nostalgaic and for anyone who grew up in the 1960's, they will certainly remember being dropped off by busy parents at a theater to see this! Hard to find, but worth a look for camp/nostalgaic value.
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