One of Huston's best
5 December 2002
I absolutely love this movie! It's a great character study of a nun and a Marine who questions religion, both marooned on an island. With only each other as company, the two become close...very close. Sister Angela has not taken her final vows yet, and Corporal Allison is wondering if he should admit his true feelings for her.

Beside fighting their growing love for each other, Sister Angela and Allison must defend themselves against the Japanese, who may discover their secret hiding place at anytime. With action, hints of romance, and great drama, "Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison" is a must-see movie. You'll appreciate this movie even more if you've seen Huston's "The African Queen." You'll notice some similarities in the stories.

I think this is my favorite role Robert Mitchum ever played. He is tough as nails, but also sweet and tender when it comes to his feelings and treatment of Sister Angela. And Deborah Kerr is brilliant in her Oscar nominated role. Bottom line: see this movie! It's a treasure!
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