The best Western of all time.
20 November 2002
I didn't originally care much of any Western genre films. It wasn't until I sat down and watched all of Clint Eastwood's masterpiece, UNFORGIVEN, when it first came out, that I began to discover what a excellent genre the Western films were. I saw that at the end of the film that Eastwood dedicated UNFORGIVEN to "Sergio (Leone) and Don (Siegal)." I then watched and began falling in love with Sergio Leone's films, FISTFUL OF DOLLARS, THE GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY, FISTFUL OF DYNAMITE, etc. But it wasn't until I watched ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, did I realize I found my favorite Western. To me, ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST is not only my favorite Sergio Leone film, but my favorite Western of all time. It has the most original characters, a very well done story, fantastic direction, and the most beautiful score of all time. For me, WEST is the achievement of Leone's career, it was the only Western film Leone directed that was actually shot in America, at Mounument Valley, the location of several of John Ford westerns. I find all of the characters in WEST to be original and different. Jill (Claudia Cardinale), the prostitute who is settling down for a new life until she finds out her husband, Brett McBain (Frank Wolff) and his children were murdered. Cheyenne (Jason Robards) the outlaw who actually has a good soul inside of him that loves Jill and does whatever he can to help her. Harmonica (Charles Bronson) the man who expresses his vengence and pain by playing the harmonica , but is also very quick with his gun. Then there's Frank (Henry Fonda), my favorite role in Fonda's career as well as my favorite villian of all time. A villian so cold and vicious, a man who uses witty remarks and shows his evil personality by killing anyone who get in his way. But it's not just Frank with the witty remarks, but also Harmonica and Cheyenne give some memorable lines as well. The story, written by Leone, shows the talented director use of creativity. The story was also co-written by Dario Argento, who would later become a legend himself the Italian horror genre, notably with SUSPIRIA. And co-written by Bernardo Bertolucci, who has done directed modern Italian neo-realism films like THE CONFORMIST, 1900, and THE LAST EMPEROR.

Then there is Enni Morricone's score. The most beautiful and moving score I have ever heard. Morricone using a different musical insturment to identify each of the major characters. Jill has the string instruments. Harmonica, naturally has the Harmonica. Frank has the electric guitar. And Cheyenne has the banjo. The score of "Man With Harmonica" is very popular and influental that it was recently be redone with a techno dance score and even played on a recent episode of THE SOPRANOS. But it's the actual theme for the movie, that has become a modern classic, that the song is being played at weddings replacing "Here Comes the Bride" or "Cannon In D." If you heard the theme of WEST, you would understand why. Everytime I hear the theme, tears are still coming out of my eyes. The musical score, is without a doubt the best score ever written! Then there is the visuals of the film, the way Leone shot and edits the film. The intense opening scene where three of Frank's men (Jack Elam, Woody Strode, and Al Mulock)are patiently waiting for Harmonica to show up. Elam traps a fly in the barrel of his pistol and listens to it buzz; Strode has drops of water cumulative add on his hat; Mulock cracks his knuckles. Then the showdown between the three of them against Harmonica. The first scene where Fonda's character is seen. The scene when Jill arrives in Flagstone, and rides the horse carrige through the scenery of Monument Valley. The revealing of why Harmonica is given his name, and how he acquired the instrument. I know people will argue with me about the best Western film. UNFORGIVEN, THE WILD BUNCH, THE GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY, BUTCH CASSIDY & THE SUNDANCE KID, THE SEARCHERS, STAGECOACH (1939), SHANE, FISTFUL OF DOLLARS, HIGH NOON, THE OX-BOW INCIDENT, RIO BRAVO, MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, and even BLAZING SADDLES are all excellent Westerns that many will considered to be their favorites. But none of those westerns has the look, mood, and feeling that ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST has. It's those elements that are inside WEST that gives it it's soul. And this Western has one of the most powerful souls ever put on film. Sergio Leone will be remembered for FISTFUL OF DOLLARS since it was his first successful box office hit, and THE GOOD THE BAD & THE UGLY because it's his most popular. But people should remember Leone's work with ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST. The "true" wester epic of his career. If you should catch ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST, please see it the way it was ment to be seen, in it's widescreen format, or letterboxed. And please catch the full 165 minute version, not the butchered 145 minute version. Or better yet, if it's playing at a cinema house near by, then catch it there! This is a masterpiece, and I am so pleased to see that as the years go by, WEST is becomming more loved and is the second favorite Western on the Internet Movie Database list. I just hope as the more years go by, that it will be number one. At least it's seen as a classic, and after watching all of it, you can understand why. Please, whenever this film is on Turner Classic Movie, or any pay per-view movie channels, sit down and watch this classic. I hope Paramount Pictures will understand how many people love this film and will finally release it on DVD. Hopefully it will be soon. Don't miss this movie, please see it! ***** (out of five) ONE OF THE BEST MOVIES OF ALL TIME!
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