A sleeper about a sleeper
27 January 1999
An underrated, pretty much forgotten movie that deserves to be better known. The premise - a 30 year-old man in a coma since birth suddenly awakened - had me hooked from the start. Terence Stamp gives an excellent performance as a baby in a man's body. How do you treat such a patient? Scientist Vaughn believes Stamp deserves a proper childhood, including play and affection. Scientist Davenport thinks that it's important that that Stamp be given an intense regular schedule of learning to catch up. It turns out both men are right (AND wrong). What happens in the second half of the movie will be foreseen by many viewers, but it's handled with intelligence and believability. Some viewers today may not be pleased with the ending, which is not cut-and-dried and sweetly happy. But it's not without hope, and it feels more real than any artificial ending that would probably be tacked on if the movie was made today.
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