Positively one of THE most stunning werewolf or vampire films ever made!
17 February 2002
Despite the low budget of this 1971 Spanish film, Wolfman vs. The Vampire Woman (Noche de Walpurgis) is a stunning and marvelous film to watch. The color and shot composition are amazing (along the lines of Bava or Argento) and the main charachter (played by Paul Naschy) is THE most ferocious wolfman I have ever seen. I am not necessarily a fan of werewolf movies, but Naschy's performance is truly gifted.

The sex appeal of the movie is perfect for the time. Breasts are exposed at the drop of a hat, and it actually adds to the tone of the film. Wolfman vs. The Vampire Woman esily competes with all but the best of the seventies Hammer Films, and surpasses most horror movies that have ever been made.

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