Paragon video strikes again
17 April 2003
I just watched this movie put out by Paragon Video (usually hit or miss with Paragon, always low budget) and I gave it a 3/10. There are some really amazing car chase scenes where guys are driving through back alleys in Europe full speed with about a foot on either side of the car and they seem to be doing an awesome job at it! I was really impressed.

Those Europeans know how to drive!

Other than that, the first half hour of the movie is full of "lesbian" scenes", (more like horny guy fantasy lesbian scenes) that seem to go on forever. I got bored. But after the endless lovemaking, the movie KIND OF gets ok.

It is about a woman who got framed to carry drugs in the car that she knew nothing about. She gets sent to women's prison and people try to make her "talk" all the time, but she doesn't have the info they want. Then there's another lady there who's father is mixed up in the deal and this lady wants the other girl to talk, too. But she goes about it in a much nicer way.

There is, of course, the lesbian prison guard who acts really tough and tries to spy on naked women. There's the tough girl who knows all the stuff that goes down in the prison and tries to be friends with everyone for her benefit. She, also, is very sexually frustrated and wants to get with everyone. There seems to be a lot of sexually frustrated women in this prison. One fakes being sick to go to the male doctor so she can get it on with him.

This is not why I sort of liked the movie. I just thought it had an interesting story. I liked the "protest rally" where everyone chanted already-known demands to the warden about how their bathrooms are dirty and the prison guards are mean. There is a really funny scene where some women are eating chicken rather fiercely. The makeup on the girl that was framed ends up looking really gross by the end. Her eyes are totally red and it looks rather disturbing. There is a long gun chase scene that got boring real fast. Bascially this movie is pretty predictable and just good for cheap thrills.

If you like exaggerated tough women, you will like this movie. It's your basic "women in prison" movie.
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