Good bad fun.
18 April 2004
I first saw this film during a Saturday matinee at the Pequa Theatre in Massapequa Park, NY. It was on a double bill with "Girls for Rent". Since it was R rated, my friends and I had to sneak in to see it, which made it even tastier. OK....this is a VERY bad film. It will never make any ten best lists, and it probably wouldn't interest 9/10ths of the current population, BUT for lovers of low budget fun this is the proverbial jackpot. Firstly, it features a cast of old timers: Yvonne DeCarlo, Donald "Red" Barry, Bob Livingston, and best of all, the two surviving Ritz Brothers (their brother, Al, had passed away in 1965). It also features musical numbers (Miss DeCarlo sings a HORRIBLE song at a barbecue, and the Ritz's follow her with one of their patented dance numbers.). It also has a western plot right out of Gower Gulch. Cowboys, Arabs, goggle eyed comics, oldtime movie stars, busty broads, and all on a budget 0f less that 70 grand! Brother, this is living!
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