This film was perfect....perfectly awful
8 January 2001
The makers of this bilge should be ashamed. I'll wager Jack Palance's face still turns red when this turkey is brought up in his presence. I would say the same of Joan Collins, but this movie could well be the high point of her pathetic career. The budget couldn't have gone much over a few grand, and most of that was very likely spent on dog food. Come to think of it, dog chow is all any of the cast and crew deserved. The film was constructed entirely of jerky, disconnected scenes chock full of some of the most cornball, juvenile dialogue I've ever had the bad luck of viewing. And the wolf attacks! Why do these adventure shows always have those stupid wolf attacks? At least there were no stupid bear attacks. The story was a familiar one in which an evil scumbag gains control of Dawson City, Alaska during the gold rush days. He hires a gang of toughs to strike fear in the gutless townsfolk by stomping or murdering anyone dumb enough to question his authority. Why didn't some enterprising soul with a good rifle simply pop the ornery tinhorn's chops from a dark alley one night? The sorry creep has a good set-up going until a handsome stranger [who fell in love with the bad guy's "tramp with a heart of gold" saloon girl in about 4 seconds flat] and a couple of kids with a wild German Shepherd [whose bark was strangely like that of a Pomeranian] came to town and upset his apple cart. This bomb opens up whole vistas of opportunity to give new meaning to the term "not worth a tinker's damn". Ten year olds may like this junk, but I have to wonder about even that.
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