Review of Angela

Angela (1977)
Incest the Topic
14 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I guess it shows how really square I am that I kept praying, "Please let her figure it out before she 'does it'." All to no avail. John Vernon of 'Animal House' does a great job of a killer husband, home from the war to Canada where he's met with a new baby. It goes down hill from there. John Huston is really great, as you see him play a Mafioso chieftain whose anger at Sophia Loren makes him start the action that ends in death and incest (not necessarily in that order). He is the pivotal character and unfortunately, make-up couldn't take the bags away from under his eyes to make him look as young as he needed to be in the beginning.

My copy of the movie is really bad, but Railsback does a great job of playing a love-struck kid and Sophia does a wonderful job of playing the aging grieving mother long before she was actually that age. He and his father have some very touching scenes. It's still hard to believe that the grande dame of cinema has never had plastic surgery. She is SO beautiful!!!

A few irrationalities: why the best friend can't be very specific as she warns Sophia about carrying on the relationship. Doesn't Canada notify folks when someone is coming up for a parole hearing? How could she have been caught so unawares?

The shots of snowy Canada are beautiful, especially as you see Sophia walking among the birches in her shearling jacket. The love scenes are especially touching until the denouement, when their punishment arrives. How COULD it else have ended, with him marrying her and their living happily ever after?
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