Probably the funniest kids show of all time.
11 April 2000
Growing up in the mid to late 1980s, one of my favorite shows was 'You Cant Do That On Television'. It had such wacky stuff. Like every episode would have these Opposites sketches, where they would do everything exactly different then we would in real life (A kid gets caught reading a Book under a Playboy and the teacher makes him look at the Playboy instead).

Of course the slime is what took this show from OK to great. Every episode at least a dozen kids would get slimed. And it never got old.

I think they quit making the show in 1989, but reruns aired as late as 1993. I wouldn't mind being able to watch 4 or 5 old episodes. But due to it not being on the air. Tough.

I would never want to eat at that restaurant. Barf puts the burgers under his armpits.
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