definitely the 70's
25 January 2003
I have to add my 'one thumb up one thumb down' to this film, but only because the portrayal of court room scenes, lawyers and prisons have come so far since this film. IN IT'S DAY it was most probably a daring attack on the judicial system, but even TV shows today are more daring - 'Law & Order' and all of it's offshoots, 'The District'(ironically with Nelson who was in this film), not to mention 'OZ' on HBO. I agree, there were attempts at comic relief from Jeffrey Tambor, or at least I think they were, in spite of his mysterious breakdown. I am still not sure how 'funny' the suicidal judge was. But one glaring timewarp was the god-awful music. Whoever says that soundtracks are not all that important needs to see this film. One reviewer here said they thought they were watching a porno movie - and that's pretty funny - but the music here was along the lines of typical '70's cop shows. I wonder how much of the film could be salvaged if a new music track was scored for it.... In any event, it went as far as it could go FOR THE PERIOD and in spite of the tearful histrionics of Pacino (who I think is a fabulous actor) it was not horrible...just a time warp.
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