Lightweight plot for 'flatlanders'
16 July 2004
Looks like it takes place in the 1840s or 50s since it's flintlock rifles that are being used.

Most of the film deals with a Blackfoot Indian, Heavy Eagle (soap-opera star, David Ackroyd) and his warriors going after mountain man, Bill Tyler (Charlton Heston) for 'stealing' his squaw, Running Moon (Victoria Racimo). Doesn't matter that Running Moon wants to be with Tyler. Heavy Eagle has to preserve his honor.

There's a side plot about the shortage of beaver that Tyler and his partner/sidekick Henry Frapp (Brian Keith) have to deal with, but this is mostly a pursuit film with Heston being chased all over Wyoming and engaging in lots of hand-to-hand combat with the Blackfoot.

And speaking of Wyoming, there is some excellent scenery up there. Beautiful country!

Lots of swearing, some blood being spilled and plot that moves pretty fast, so there's little time is being wasted. I don't know who edited this film but some of the scene transitions seem a little too abrupt to me. The film also has plenty of lame juvenile dialog, but if you can get past that, then it's worth a look.

I'm going to give it an above average rating more for the scenery and a beautiful score by Michael Legrand, than anything.

6 out of 10
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