Pacino becomes a champion and"Hero"
10 May 2004
I had seen this movie quite a few times, and thought that Al Pacino gave a great performance. Here we see a professional playwriter Ivan Travalian struggling with his career,and he gets hit with the news his wife wants to leave;She has some heavy load to carry,the children she cannot take a responsibility for. With juggling the duties of mother and father,Ivan has his anxiety about failure;He needs a great "rave" review to have a broadway hit.

There are sensitive lines in the film that touch on Ivan's personality; I am moved to the same anger, when He tells ex-wife Gloria "we are not fish,we are people".Gloria seems to be self-centered and uncaring.Travalian also says to his biological son,Igor, "nobody wants them,Gloria doesn't want them". How can we not feel the pain in these hurting kids?

The movie was great and touched on the aspect of family and Love;Ivan has these kids of the world, and tries to make a home for them.I love this film and enjoyed it heartily.
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