Review of Supergirl

Supergirl (1984)
You Will Believe That A Movie Can Stink
19 December 2000
There is an almost decent movie in all this, but you have to dig pretty deep to find it. The problem is that as popular as Supergirl is in the comic books, she can't carry a movie by herself. This should have been a sequel in the Superman series than a movie on it's own. Helen Slater is beautiful and talented but she is wasted in a bad script dragged down by an unrealistic plot and the over-acting of Faye Dunaway and her co-horts of Mia Farrow and Peter Cook. Peter O'Toole is a delight in everything he does as he is here, but the movie is just one big embarrassment. Slater was signed on to do two more sequels had this been a success, but the magic and sorcery angle was too ridiculous as was the concept of a bumbling witch playing with and somehow learning how to use a cosmic power source. Right there the movie loses gravity and coherence.Huge holes large enough for a train to go through sideways are throughout the script as in why does Supergirl waste time getting enrolled in school when her family's life is in the balance and how in the world did she know about her cousin as Superman. Superman, himself is conspicuously absent from the movie with a stupid excuse and it's never explained as to how Supergirl's family got in another dimension. Too much of the script strayed from the comic book, and in the process got lost. I can only really watch this for Slater in the costume, but much of her best scenes in the school have been edited out of the film. If they had centered it more on her acceptance by her peers, this may have been a better movie, but the fight scenes and sorcery is really bad. Jimmy Olsen and Lois's sister, Lucy, have been tacked on to connect the film to the Superman movies, but it really doesn't help.
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