Stone Years (1985)
A True Story About Really Stone Years
5 January 2001
It is agreeable that many countries have suffered civil wars or persecution of a merit of the people,but it is very difficult to explain in simple words what is going on in difficult times like these, without the use of weapons,battle scenarios or exaggerated drama. That is why exceptions like this humble and moving film have to be noticed and pointed out,because otherwise public misses a whole treasure of truth,love,patience and faith.If it was a film shot in Hollywood,it would have the gravity of those epic films that won many awards in the past.It is a must-especially for those whose roots are in this country but they live abroad.It shows that Greek people are not a joke,not gangsters,not funny-but-naive guys,but true and strong people that hold on to their beliefs (and they have fought for them until very recently) and they are capable of loving each other in extremely difficult times.The music is the essence of how an event should be combined with sounds.Really it cannot be explained with words,but it intrigues the deepest emotions a person can feel for what is presented in front of them.
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