Review of Steaming

Steaming (1985)
A real english treat
21 June 2002
I have not noticed a lot of British nudie cutie films make the hop over the pond. I was not expecting many either, given the Brit's public persona as being presented as very reserved (Benny Hill not withstanding).

What a pleasant surprise to see this film about some rather good looking older and a few good looking, but kind of plump, younger women, letting it all hang out while going around a lot in their starkers!

The director managed to make the nudity both titillating and non-exploitive at the same time--This was not too hard considering the caliber of the acting talent involved. And the fact that no men appeared anywhere in the film probably made it more of a "lets hide a camera in a women's steam club and see what they really talk about!". Surprise--it's men! No feminine hygiene, breast cancer, yeast infections, or even babies!

The one thing about the limeys is that even when they don't do something often, they do it right! Rather old bean, top drawer!
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