As long as Dan and John make me laugh, I love this movie
17 November 2003
The Great Outdoors is one of the most under rated comedies that I have ever seen! It's actually one of my hidden favorites, because this is the type of comedy that I love, slap stick. Dan and John make such a great comedic duo in The Great Outdoors, you can't help but laugh hysterically at every scene or be touched by a sentimental moment. I miss stories like this, that are not only heart warming but have a great mix of comedy as well.

Chet is a family man who wants to bond with his songs on a camping trip, so he, his wife, and their boys go out to the great outdoors. But an uninvited guest tags along, their rich and snobby cousins Roman and Kate and their two Shinning creepy twin girls. Since Roman likes to live it up, he practically jumps all over Chet's plans and just takes over the vacation!

There are some great scenes like a bat gets loose in the cabin and Chet and Roman decide to take it on themselves. The bat gets onto Chet's face and Roman hits the bat and Chet's face with a tennis racket! Chet's reaction is just priceless! And they go to a restaurant where Chet has the opportunity to eat a 16 ounce steak and if he eats the whole thing, the family eats for free, and they do it like as if he was Rocky in his first major boxing match, it was just great to watch. The Great outdoors is one of those great under rated comedies that I'm sure you'll fall in love with.

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