11 February 2004
This is the worst of the trio of Poltergeist movies by far. In fact it is almost a joke it is so bad. By now everyone from the original movie is either dead or they have opted out of their contracts and decided against playing in this third installment. All except the one little woman and Heather O'Rourke. Though she would have probably been better off not returning as well because she died of complications from the flu or something during the shoot. If she could have just been able to rest she might have been able to pull through, but I am guessing the movie shoot was just a bit to demanding. As it is she had to appear in one of the most utterly ridiculous and annoying horror movies ever. To her credit though she is the least annoying character in the movie as she is one of the few who doesn't yell out "CAROL ANNE" one hundred times. This movie has Carol Anne shipped to her aunt and uncle, apparently after all they had been through and done for the girl they Carol Anne's parents (played by Craig T. Nelson and Joe Beth Williams) just could not put up with her anymore. This contradicts the message of part 2 of the family using their love to fight off the evil. Well not all goes well for Carol Anne in her new settings as the evil old guy from part 2 is back to try and get her (played by a different person this time because the other guy died, and looking quite stupid I might add). They live in a skyscraper so it is kind of like "Gremlins 2" except not as entertaining. This one is slow moving and rather boring as there just are not the cool special effects from the previous two installments. Instead of ghosts we get killer cars and people who are different in mirrors that kill people by pushing them down. And after this one finally drags itself to the finish you will be left wondering what happened to the poor guy who is seemingly left on the other side.
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