Review of Batman

Batman (1989)
Keaton is unrecognizable in his costume
26 January 2000
The good thing about the casting of Michael Ketaon in this movie is that he is completely unrecognizable when in his Batman suit. He goes from being this little playboy millionaire into this brooding dark warrior that kicks everyones A$%^$. Unlike the less memorable sequels, of which number 4 was the worst (the sexual tension between George Clooney and Chris O'donnell is even more intense than that which is between David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in the X-Files), Batman 1 is more in the grain of the comic book than any other superhero film.

Too much can be said about Burton's direction and Nicholson's performance, but watch this movie as opposed to numbers 3 and 4 simply because if there was any realism aspect to these films, its at its heighest in number one, and is downgraded to nothing in number 4.
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