Rambling Rose (1991)
A very touching tale of very humane family
19 February 2001
I got a chance to see this film accidentally while glancing through the channels on my TV. I was instantly hooked and watched the whole film. This film is about a young, restless and free-spirited orphan girl, who is in search of affection. She's also sexually overactive, well that's what the people around her in the 30s feel. She's sheltered by a family who are just like an ordinary family down the road, but when she needs them stand up for her, never caring about the so called caretakers of morals and virtues. A very intersting study if deep rooted charcters, played equally well by the actors. 2 characters stand apart in the film, one of the girl Rose played brilliantly by Laura Dern, and of the mother, played by Laura's real mom, Diane Ladd. Robert Duvall is very believable as the head of the family in the southern in the 1930s. I liked the gentle pace of the movie, and its buildup towards the end, where Diane garners herself for a confrontation with the self proclaimed keepers of the virtues, including her own husband. I like the way their Diane's and Robert's characters undergo transformations, small ones but enough to keep the audience attached to the film at an emotional level. Even days after watching the movie, you'd have the images of the cheerful, sometimes confused, lively and lovely Rose, flashing in front of your eyes. And that's makes the use of a narrative, which some people didn't like about this movie, so appropriate. If I had known someone like Rose in my lifetime, I would definately told this story to everybody I knew, many times over.
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