28 June 2002
Wanna watch people yell at each other? Here you go. This movie will make you feel like you've done something bad. Everyone in it is upset. I realize most people hate their families but come on, don't make a movie about it or anything. The plot is you shouldn't get married, I guess. It says that the movie was "written" but it seems like Woody Allen (he made this movie as well as some others) wanted to do some improv to make it seem all natural and whatnot, but the problem is none of the people he casted are any good at making up things to say. They're just like "BLARG YOU'RE A CRAPPY WIFE!" "SHUT UP DO YOU WANT A DIVORCE?" "WHAT NO ARE YOU CRAZY DIVORCE IS FOR LOSERS LIKE YOU!" "I HATE YOU I'M HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE ELSE!" "BLARG WHAT? WHERE IS HE I'LL KILL HIM AND I'LL KILL YOU PRETTY SOON AS WELL!" "WAAAH NOW I AM CRYING BECAUSE OF THE TERRIBLE THINGS!" "I AM DRUNK, HERE WHY DON'T I AWKWARDLY MANHANDLE YOU FOR AWHILE!" "I AM STILL CRYING!" It isn't very good. People might say it's good since Woody Allen made it, but from what I've seen his ratio of good to bad films is not overly positive. I did not enjoy myself nor was I moved to think of anything interesting because of it. This was also made back when it first started to be cool to move the camera around all crazy and frenetic in an attempt to suggest bewildering conflict. So it's EXTRA-annoying! Yay!
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