The Crush (1993)
Decent enough, but very predictable
3 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The Crush was one of those movies that I absolutely admired as a kid, I thought this movie was so awesome and intense… well, I was a kid, give me a little credit. Re-watching this movie, I didn't realize that maybe it wasn't that great of a movie like I had remembered. It was a pretty unoriginal plot, didn't add much of it's own taste or style and was pretty silly over the top. But still I'm not going to diss the film entirely, this was the beginning of Alicia Silverstone's career and she pulls in a strong performance and was very chilling on screen with Cary Elwes. The story may not be original but Alicia and Cary made the story work.

Arriving in a new city, writer Nick Eliot secures a job at Pique magazine and lodgings in a guest house belonging to Cliff and Liv Forrester. Nick soon makes the acquaintance of the Forrester's 14-year-old daughter Adrian, a precocious gifted girl who develops an intense attraction to him. She secretly helps Nick by sneaking into his room and rewriting one of his Pique stories, which subsequently wins a rave from his editor/boss Michael. At a party thrown by the Forresters, Nick agrees to accompany the lonely girl on a nightly drive to a romantic spot, where she kisses him. This intensifies Adrian's crush on Nick, but he quickly wises up and attempts to put her off, having begun a budding romance with co-worker Amy. Adrian continues to boldly pursue him, even going so far as to undress in his view. Nick, however, continues to rebuff her advances, and Adrian's actions become destructive, she smashes a car he's restored and erases his computer discs with his work on it. Then, after Adrian spies on Amy in bed with Nick, you thought Adrian was crazy before, just wait to see what happens next.

Over all The Crush is a decent enough movie to watch, I wouldn't dismiss it completely, just if you catch it on TV, check it out. I thought that the scene where Cary is hiding in Alicia's closet to find out what she's really been up too and she knows that he is there, so instead of freaking out, she just undresses in front of him with a seductive look. Also where you see that she has beaten herself up just to get back at Cary's character was very chilling. The Crush has good moments, but it is flawed and in my opinion there are some scenes that could have had a little more, like the hornets that Alicia uses to attack Cary's girlfriend with, afterwards in the hospital, she really doesn't look that injured. But it's mindless entertainment, the new twist on Fatal Attraction, so if you dig these thrillers then The Crush is right up your alley.

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