The Double 0 Kid (1992 Video)
The Haimster had to be short on cash to want to sign on to this movie. (spoiler)
26 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Poor Corey Haim. Maybe this was the movie that was supposed to remind audiences that he was in fact, just a clean teenager, illustrated by his role as the easy-going (but exceedingly strange) Lance Elliot, a kid hired into a summer program for an intelligence agency. The kid's fantasies of being involved in a real-life spy situation become a reality when, on his way to deliver a package, he is slipped a card key that the scheming villains are after.

Unfortunately, being that this was one of those moralistic Haim movies, it means he doesn't get to play with guns or get involved in much action. In fact, the whole movie is so cheaply done, that we get little of anything to go on as an entertainment vice. It's the poor man's 'Cloak & Dagger' (boy becomes the target of espionage after getting hold of a video game cartridge with top secret intelligence information) or 'Secret World of Alex Mac' (an early 90s Nickelodean show for pre-teens about a girl who, after a toxic spill, gains superpowers and battles scheming villains who consistently try to take advantage of those powers).

Despite Corey Haim presence in the picture, the fact that it may have been used to present Haim as some sort of good kid (unless he was, sadly, so desperate for material that he did agree to be in the movie), then I'd recommend picking up something else, be it a better Haim selection (may I even recommend 'Prayer of the Rollerboys,' made around the same time), or a better teen spy selection altogether (as already mentioned).
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