"Ewwww... Wizard wiz"
31 January 2002
As the most recent installment of Mystery Science Theater 3000 movies I have seen (Parts: The Clonus Horror doesn't count because I've already seen it) I immediately went out and rented this movie after I saw the show. I wanted to see this movie as it was originally made if I wanted to form an honest opinion about it. And, after seeing this movie twice, I have come to the conclusion that this movie wasn't so terrible. "But it has such a low rating! You're just not an easy critic!" No I am not. I consider myself to be very harsh. In some of my other reviews I have bombarded movies to no end with my opinions. I simply feel that a movie should automatically be voted so low merely because it was shown on MST 3K. On the IMDB scale of 1-10, I gave this movie a three (3) and here's why.

This movie has a decent plot. No, the plot's not the journey of Tee to the lost cellar, it's not the victories over Lord Voltaire and it's definitely not the Delta Knights attempting to bring about the New Renaissance (they could have done that years before if they hadn't waited for Tee to come around). This movie's decent plot was the back story of how the lost storehouse came to be, through their inventions and writings of Archimedes and the technology of the lost continent Atlantis. That is where the story induces interest into me. I think it's interesting to have a story where Leonardo da Vinci was really a thief of good ideas and Archimedes was the real genius. It's a new twist on old facts, and therefore it deserves some credit. I think if this movie had more of a budget, it could have been made into a very decent picture.

The MST3K viewing of this movie produced two of the funniest quotes I have ever heard from the show. Both quotes came from the scene where Baydool comes out of the bathroom holding his pan of pee and Pearl exclaims "Ewwww! Wizard wiz..." I think the house shook I was laughing so hard. But then, not five seconds later, he threw his urine on the guy trying to steal Tee and Baydool makes the goofiest and Tom says "That's my pee!" After that I lost it. I was rolling on the floor, stuffing my face into my pillow trying to muffle my laughter. Boy those two quotes really made that one episode worth watching because most of the stuff after that wasn't really that great. I would actually prefer to watch the movie without Mike, Tom and Crow and make my own jokes instead of having the show tell me what's funny about the movie. I would much rather use my own humor to make my own jokes to degrade this movie.

All-in-all, I think you people judged this movie too harshly. A movie being on MST3K doesn't necessarily qualify it for being a terrible movie. Thank you and good day.

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