Review of True Romance

True Romance (1993)
Great fun
15 February 2002
This is one of my all-time favourites. This is the kind of film that guys love and girls hate. It is loud, it is cool and it is truly entertaining.

This is maybe the ultimate 90´s film, it has everything that was cool in the 90´s: Action, cool characters, graphic violence and humour that consist of cool remarks and a ironic attitude. This is in short the type of film that flooded the market after the success of ´Reservoir Dogs´ and ´Pulp Fiction´. ´The usual suspects´alongside the Tarantino classics might be both smarter and, in the end, more durable films but this is the idiots variant and a great ride.

I can hardly think that we will see this type of film in the 00´s but if you have/want to see what was cool in the 90´s and only have time for two films I would suggest renting this one and Pulp Fiction.
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