20 July 2001
The story is same as the story of part 1 and it has nothing to do with highlander 2. Although the fans did not like this part, it made me love highlander. The soundtrack is very nice, there was one song i really liked in the movie, i think it was BONNY PORTMORE. I am not sure but i think that was it. The story of Macleod is pretty sad. I think noone should live forever. I really liked Lambert. I would marry him if i were a woman =) Nice movie. Nice scenes. The villain (mario van peebles) is pretty evil and too FUNNY. I liked the scene where he is in the car with macleods son. It shows that you can do lots of funny things if you have supernatural powers. By the way can you tell me why heros should have sex at least for one time in these kind of movies??? I cant understand this. Why is having sex so important? i think people should grow up and dont give a damn to these kind of useless things. A man is still a man even if he does not sex. This just makes me sick. I think platonic love is more important than everything. Think about it.
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