ah, sweet nostalgic bliss... (spoilers)
29 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
after a lull of almost five years, I finally got back to watching this movie today.

god, but I had forgotten how Power Rangers could be both bad and good at the same time.

When I was about 9/10 years old, Power rangers first hit the shores of England, on a massive wave of hype that has been vritually unparralleled since. it heralded the coming of a virtual tidal wave of imitations, (beetleborgs, Vr troopers etc...)

although the series, with it's spandex costumes, and VIBRANT colours had me hooked almost instantly, the movie promised so much more. for a start, they BLATANTLY had a bigger budget than the series, so the costumes and effects, for the time were top-notch.

Let's face it, everyone at that time wanted to be one of the rangers. personally, I always wanted to be Tommy. not least becasue he got to snog Kimberly.

now, at the dizzying age of 17, I sit down and watch a film that I havent watched since i was twelve years old. "Power Rangers: the Movie!"

even as those first, INCREDIBLY corny crawl-lines scrolled across the screen, I couldnt help but snigger. the movies gloss had indeed faded as my cynicism had increased, but I still enjoyed myself watching it. even when i was happily taking the mic out of the lines...

(kimberly being carried by a bird-thing 100ft in the air)

Tommy: hold on Kimberly!

Me: yeah, cos she just feels like letting go right about now...

and loving the fact that, Despite the teenagers wearing the same colours as their Ranger costumes NO-ONE FIGURED OUT WHO THEY WERE, I still found it immensely fun.

For me, power rangers will always be connected to a time when I was a lot less world wise, and a lot less cynical about it. this movie is the only link I have left to that, and to the first celebrity I EVER had a crush on, Amy Jo Johnson.

for that, I can never bring myself to flame this movie, because when it boils down to it, it's a part of something that I really loved. even if it was inordinately rubbish, with a really bad script.

oh, and I can watch it again so i can remind myself of just how fit Amy Jo is. ^_^
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