Review of Glitter

Glitter (2001)
Vanity, Thy Name is Mariah
24 September 2001
Madonna in "Shanghai Surprise." The Village People in "Can't Stop the Music." Pia Zadora in "The Lonely Lady." And, now, Mariah Carey joins the exalted ranks of Singers Who Should Never Step Onto a Soundstage, with the critically-roasted "Glitter."

Anyone who has seen Ms. Carey's pop music videos might have guessed that her thespian skills are largely confined to throwing her arms up in the air (preferably while on a rollercoaster, or emerging from underwater) and accurately portraying an exhibitionist whose micro miniskirts are an open invitation for the world to be her gynecologist.

That having been said, anyone who expresses outrage at having spent money to see "Glitter" have only themselves to blame. Instead, one should either a) avoid it like the plague, or b) go with a group of scathingly brilliant friends and dish every ludicrous line of dialogue, every inept piece of direction, and every ridiculous costume. In fact, providing that one is in the proper frame of mind, "Glitter" may well be your most enjoyable night out at the movies in many a moon.
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