Operation Confusion.
20 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this so-called "movie," I was left breathless, being only able to say"...wha?" This movie makes no sense at all. I barely paid attention until the last twenty minutes and I found a zillion errors. Since when is it that when a piece of metal brushes against the shell of a sub that the inside is damaged, and water gets in the ship, regardless of the "no-hole" factor. Also, when a submarine is blown to bits (after hitting a wall softly), how is it that some old guy survives. Not only that, but he was unharmed!!! Some people tended disappear, strangely and suddenly, and the lead female role, named Ariana, had hair that seemed to grow with every scene. And what's with the names of these people? Hawk? Do you know anyone named Hawk, or who would want to be named Hawk? I know it's a code-name, but it's a pretty non-frightening one. And if these people are Navy Seals, why is it that they can't just swim out of the ship as it's about to BLOW UP. Seems to me that the whole mini-sup is a waste of time for such highly trained people. And tell me, where did all those other guys come from, you know, the ones who try to kill everyone, but instead get killed themselves? Shouldn't the crew know if somebody was on their boat? This is one of the most terrible, ignorant movies EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
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