A Different Side of Pauly
6 May 1999
I found "The Curse of Inferno" to be one of Pauly Shore's best films. I like most of his previous films (I disliked "Jury Duty" and hated "Biodome"), and this one deserves special attention. Unlike the others, it isn't reaching in all directions for a big laugh every time you turn around.

Two small town guys who dream of being pilots in the Caribbean need $80,000 to open shop. They decide to rob a little bank. As they do, they find that the bank has a lot more money than it should (money is being laundered by rich businessman Ned Beatty and banker Stephen Tobolowsky). To make matters worse, two more robbers show up, causing the original two to botch the job by hiding the loot in the bank itself in order to escape. While plotting on how to retrieve the money, one of the robbers (Shore) meets and falls in love with a new police deputy (Janine Turner). That's when the businessman finds out Shore was involved with the robbery, and puts the pressure on him.

As I said, "The Curse of Inferno" doesn't try to be funny all the time. When it does try, it succeeds. I left it feeling pretty good, and that is a rarity. Zanatos' score: 8 out of 10. Check it out.
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