Eight Days a Week (I) (1997)
Not my type of movie but I loved it
19 March 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I wouldn't read the rest of this if you did not see the movie.

I am much closer to the parents' ages in this movie. Not that that in itself means I am the wrong audience for this movie, but let's say I am not the target demographic either.

Nevertheless, the movie was very funny, very touching and I ended up loving it, despite some missteps along the way.

Peter is a self-proclaimed 'spaz' who is pining away for the beauty across the street, Erica. He vows to spend all his time under her bedroom window in order to win her love. The neighborhood is filled with colorful characters, beginning in Peter's house with his Grandfather who gives Peter the inspiration to follow his dream. His best friend lives nearby, too, but he is mostly consumed with his fantasies of sex. One of the neighbors works for the FBI and circles the block several times before parking. There is the stereotyped 'crazy' neighborhood lady, who eats in the car, mows the lawn at night and does gardening in her scuba mask and mouthpiece. There are neighborhood kids and enough to keep Peter occupied until Erica dumps the jerk (he is needlessly disgusting) she is currently dating.

As the movie progresses, there are many hysterically funny scenes (Peter talks at length about Erica's body, down to the smallest detail), some touching ones (when Peter tells the crazy lady what the neighbors say about her, she has a good reason for the things she does - eats in the car because the radio reception is better, mows the lawn at night due to the humidity) and some stupid ones (his Grandfather passes away & Peter is suspicious of another neighbors' habit of dragging heavy bags in and out of his house). It all comes together in the end, Peter grows up and gets the girl.

To say this was better than I was expecting is a huge understatement. I was happy to spend 90 minutes on Peter's block with him & the neighbors.
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