Gone Fishin' (1997)
Rare, Simple, Clean Comedy, Not Too Superb, Though...
3 September 2002
After finally watching this movie with a senior citizen and reading all of the other readers' comments about how terrible this movie "is", I thought I should have my say.

First, this movie isn't the BEST comedy ever. There have been better comedies before and since this movie. True, hearing the characters calling each other by their first names every so often can be annoying at times, I am PLEASED that I didn't hear much profanity in the movie.

I would much rather hear the characters' first names in every other sentence than profanity. So, this movie is rare in the sense of NOT having profane jokes and potty humor (like Austin Powers) to encourage laughter. But, knowing how today's society is, there is still the occasional "hell", "damn", and such.

Second, when I was watching this movie, I began to think of how the characters relied on some physical comedy and some crude slapstick humor. I do think the comedic routine could've been more refined and I have laughed at "The Three Stooges", "Oliver and Hardy", "Abott and Costello", and the older classic comedies more than I did in this movie. "Dumb and Dumber" was funnier, but somewhat vulgar.

Third, the plot and the characters could've been more refined, too. It seems as though about all the characters had to do was to act silly and get overly excited about winning a fishing trip and being very naive and innocent while creating havoc. But, this movie is simple and doesn't rely on some of the other crap that other movies rely on to get a laugh.

Finally, I would suggest this movie to older viewers who do appreciate a simple comedy without all of the unnecessary violence, potty humor, and profanity as evident in most of today's movies. (If this movie could've been more refined, I would've given it an "8" out of "10", but instead I give it a "5".)

PS--I don't think that most of mainstream society would appreciate this movie as they might appreciate potty humor and profanity, which I think is worse to think about than this movie itself!

Happy Viewing!
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