Godzilla (I) (1998)
An insult to the big-fella
29 August 2000
I think the thing I enjoyed most about Godzilla (1985) was the fact that the big-fella was completely indestructible and hell bent on simply knocking sh*&&^ over and destroying things indiscriminately. What Emmerich has given us here is an iguana that somehow, by being exposed to some nuclear dust whilst in-vitro, somehow managed o grow into a 400 foot tall dinosaur that is scared sh*&%tless of anything the military was willing to throw at it.

Remember in 1985, when Godzilla rises out of the water and, while the Japanese launch everything except the kitchen sink at him, he simply stands there copping the hits until he casually decides to gracefully thunder forward and start whoopin some serious Japanese hide. Man that was impressive. You actually are on his side the entire movie..........hahahah especially when he blows up the Russian sub. Anyway back to this film.

Emmerich's Godzilla acts the way any animal would act in a strange environment - scared. I think what the producers were trying to do was give us a...ahem...realistic edge to this film, whose entire ethos is supposed to be based on the unbelievable.

So anyway Godzilla manages to creep into some American city where we have the pathetically nerdy looking Mathew Broderick and the obligatory love interest story being developed almost straight away. And Harry Shearer? The way he announces the presence of this dinosaur is like he is announcing the prize for the contestants after a game of jeopardy (how the hell does he get, to use his exact words Garrrrrrrrd-zilla, from what was clearly being referred to as Gojira.

This movie did not develop any suspense or terror in u the viewer at all. The horribly sad thing is that this movie could have been so good if they did it similar to the way the original was done, but maybe throw in King Kong or Gamera to fun things up a bit.

Overall this movie is let down by the fact that Godzilla doesnt have any of the personality he did in the originals (he's simply a big lizard in this one) and well........it just plain sucked. Watch out too for the Jurassic park ripoff in the building and the woeful ending!!!!!!!!!!
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