Godzilla (I) (1998)
Over-Hyped Nonsense.
1 January 2001
Godzilla had an intriguing trailer. But, lots of films have enthralling trailers and are bad films. Godzilla is one of them.

Nuclear testing accidentally resurrects Godzilla, a huge foot monster with a big appetite. The monster takes Manhattan, and it's up to a select group of people, including Dr. Niko Tatopolous (Matthew Broderick) and Phillipe Roache (Jean Reno), to stop the monster, and it's soon-to-be-hatching eggs, before Godzilla's destroy the whole city, and maybe even the world.

The postage-stamp-sized plot is poorly written. Everything is so repetitve! Godzilla attacks almost everyone on boats, and every time he comes to town it is raining like heck. Also, here's a question for ya. Why does Godzilla eat none of Manhatten's residents and it's babies do? There are many more questions to be answered, and mostly everything important about films has been ripped apart here. It has some slight pleasures, the monster itself is pretty well-done for special effects and the dumb acting is sometimes laughably enjoyable. But the characters are unlikeable, the plot is predictable and Godzilla, the monster itself, would suit a dancing film rather than a try-hard thriller.

A pointless addition for Matthew Broderick's once-good career, Godzilla is nothing short of a let-down.

I rate Godzilla 4 out of 10.
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