As faithful an adaption of Tolkien's works as could be expected in a film
14 January 2002
A film of any of the LOTR novels could never approach the literature it is based on. The novels are so detailed in developing the history, legends and lore of the middle earth, so much of which cannot be filmed. Peter Jackson probably is the best director for this film, although Neil Jordan or Tim Burton in their better years could have done a pretty good job (Thank good it wasn't Lucas, Speilberg, Cameron or god forbid Bruckheimmer doing this film!). What I liked:

  • The landscapes and visuals, both natural and digitally created, and the charaters were incredibly faithful to Tolkiens vision (then again, the novels are very detailed in their description) Rivendell, Isengard, Misty Mountains and Minas Tirith exactly how I pictured them, although I pictured the Shire as being more wooded.

  • From the novel, I pictured middle earth as a largely desolate brooding haunted place with a few isolated communities, depopulated by millenia of conflict, with reminders of ancient great civilizations everywhere. The film went to lengths to capture this.

  • Great performances, again faithful to Tolkien's vision

  • Battle scene in Moria one of the best around, must be seen. the balrog looked great

  • Some Tolkien purists were complaining about Arwen's expanded role. All that happened were to minor characters were combined into one still minor character, her scene actually enhanced the story.

Some (very minor) criticisms:

  • What's with the glow-in-the-dark elves?

  • Some minor details not well explained ie. Legolas is a different type of elf from the high elves, and he and Gimli hate each other's guts.

  • The final collapse of the staircase in Moria was very fake looking.

  • I pictured Moria as a more spooky, haunted place, so much that the travellers were terrified of it.

  • Was the cave goblin in the original story?

All in all, the best (mainstream) movie in years. 9/10
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