Definitely lacking that *spark*
6 February 2000
Warning: Spoilers
There were several things that annoyed me about this film, and I'll simply list them as follows.

The list will contain *spoilers*

Queen Amidalas voice. Now yes Natalie Portman is drop-dead gorgeous but there is definitely, DEFINITELY something wrong with her voice that has to be mentioned. Why I dont get is that while she was Queen Amidala her voice transcends from being nice and sweet (padme) to a very hoarse and deep sounding (almost masculine) one. Its highlighted when she says 'I have to go back to naboo' 'We'll have to rely on negotiations' and my favourite 'Get to your ships!'

Im interested to know if anyone else has noticed that. It was just too prevailing for me to look (or hear) past it.

The notion of having the force being systematically butchered down to a biological level is just too fantastic too bear. With all the talk of symbionts at the start I was just waiting for something to appear that was on a parasitic-type level.

Oh yeah, when Obi-Wan Kenobi is trying to catch up with Darth Maul and Qui Gon (after he himself has been kicked off the ledge) to obviously try and get to Maul before he kills Qui Gon, why doesnt he use that ability that both of them displayed at the start to catch up...You know, when they had to escape those rolly poly droid things with the shield generators....they moved at Warrrrrrp speed.

Those damn droids! WHY WHY WHY! I realise its a kid film and we cant show humans getting wasted by lightsabres (well not all the time) but robotic Ducks?

Jar Jar Binks wasnt AS annoying as what some believe him to be, but Anakin definitely was. For starters the kid cant act and why did Lucas Make him C3P0's maker? Does that mean that Luke Skywalker is C3P0's brother? So if we try and work out the odds that the two of meet up the way they do in 'New Hope' one would think the odds would hover around the 1 in a trillion mark.

Also Samuel L Jackson didnt seem content with the fact that his role was VERY minor, so therefore he mustve felt the need to overact a bit. My Favourite part is when one of the Jedi Council members says :

'Impossible! The Sith have been dead for a millennium'

and Samuel goes 'I do not think the Sith could have returned without us knowing'...... ...But Samuel gives a big ehhhhhhhhhhh before his line, as if to give the impression he's contradicting the previous council member's statement, when in fact he's agreeing with it and see...and be confused

Ian McDiarmid cant act either......since he looks no where even close to what he did when he played Palpatine in the Return of the Jedi, I think Lucas could have gotten away with using someone else (Albert Finney, Jeremy Irons........Cuba Gooding jr)

The only parts I enjoyed were the middle and end lightsabre Duels with Darth Maul.......sigh, and he's only in it for about 10 minutes. However he probably gives the most in-keeping-with-starwars-tradition performance out of everyone.......and he's not even an actor...he's a martial arts stunt double!

He was pretty tough though, not too many people can go crosseyed and give a whince or too after they have been cut in half by a lightsabre
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