After "TND," I know what I've been missing...ALL OF IT!
31 May 2004
After waiting YEARS to finally see "Tomorrow Never Dies" on basic television last night, I finally realize what's been missing here "World is Not Enough."

"TWINE" nearly crushed my interest in the James Bond movies (only the games rekindled that interest), mainly because of... ...well, mainly the plot. Viktor Zokas (a.k.a Renard) is out to destroy the world, and what sucks is that we don't know WHY he wants to destroy the world. Don't you just hate it when villains have no real reason to do anything? See, in "TND," the villain actually had something to work for...the reason why he wanted to start a war is to have news for his newspaper, and to be able to control all media as a result. In "TWINE," Renard doesn't own a famous business, nor does he have interesting Goons (some noteable Goons from the previous James Bond films are Nick Nack, OddJobb, and Jaws), but Renard has NO noteable Goons. So technically, he's just some schmoe with a bullet in his head and a mind to kill people.

Then, there's the action and presentation. Bond does have some of his quippy one-liners here, but they aren't as noteable as in most of his other films. The action in "TWINE" is also sub-par...the gunshots are not any fun to listen too, gunfights drone on with no real excitement, and Bond doesn't engage in his epic car-chase scenes. Remember the action scenes you saw in "TND" and whatnot? Remember the fast-paced city chase in "The Man with the Golden Gun?" Don't expect to be "wowed" as much here.

To summarize, "TWINE" is just candy with no taste to it...a Tootsie-Pop with no chocolately center. It might be nice to look at a bit, but turn to "TND" and "GoldenEye" for better plotlines and action.
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