how NOT to...
30 September 2003
Once in a blue moon, I'll read comments about a film BEFORE I watch it. (I usually DON'T do this, to avoid being influenced.) The former was the case, however, prior to my viewing of COMPELLING EVIDENCE. I felt the need to be more cynical, so, based on the reviews of it, I selected this cinematic masterpiece as the sole celluloid wonder which I had time to see that day. I COULD have picked others, but, this sounded like the flick to be certain to fulfill my masochistic needs: you know...to make me shake my head; roll my eyes; and almost puke. And it met these expectations, primarily because of the dreadful acting. But then, Danny Fendley does that to me. I have seen him in other movies and there's just something about his style, or his delivery, or I don't know what, which I'd find better in much smaller doses. (How 'bout non-speaking roles?) Also displayed frequently was that tell-tale low-budget audio. And, the story is so incredible that no cast could salvage it: An action star's wife is murdered; he's got a mistress; then, he goes from hating an intrusive reporter, to bangin' her, and maintaining his innocence via her program. Talk about messed up. This takes the cake.
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