Huppert is mesmerizing, but film drags
23 April 1999
I went to this film based solely on the reputation of Isabelle Huppert. I had heard she was one of the greatest actresses in Europe.

Well I have to agree, she is fantastically attractive and talented, and you could watch her for hours, but unfortunately that's what this film seemed like. I don't often fall asleep in the movies but I almost did on this one...

I guess my main problem with the film was that there was never any motivation that I could see for why such an ostensibly attractive and successful woman would do some of the things she did: take in this raggamuffin with the dubious past, and then proceed to take all of his bad treatment, infidelity, and neglect, while feeding and clothing him and giving him a place to live. I guess we are to assume he was just that good in bed, but I think the film would have benefited from a little more "flesh"ing out of the reasons behind the actions. Some will probably say I missed the "nuances" but I just kept asking *why* is she doing this, from their first date when she hung around while he played video games, through to the end. To me it just perpetuated the myth that women are suckers for a pretty face.

But all that said, it was still a pleasure to watch Huppert and I will look for her in other films at my video store.
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