To cover myself here, this review contains *SPOILERS*
29 April 2000
Warning: Spoilers
When one watches the opening sequence of this film your automatically going to say 'Oh yeah, Sixth Sense rip-off'. Although these two movies were produced very close together, it is difficult to look beyond this rather prevailing aspect and enjoy the film for what it is. Fortunately I thought the Sixth Sense sucked extremely much that I had such poor expectations for this movie that the worst that could possibly happen would be that I walked out with the same feeling I had walking in.

However, apart from the fact that this little boy can communicate with SOME dead people is as far as the similarities go.

This film opens with Kevin Bacon bathing his son and for some reason we're informed that his wife is pregnant........which does not come into play at any other time during the movie, though I think it is an attempt to inform us of the family's low socioeconomic status

However we also find that the son talks to himself..........

One thing I must point out here is that I really, really, really liked this little kid. I mean, he wasnt the slobbering blubbering messed up basket/head case that Haley Joel is.. oooops I meant his character in the film. As a matter of fact this kid is a bit of tough little guy. He never acts scared, and when he doesnt want to talk to these ghosts, he tells them!

We later find Kevin Bacon being hypnotised by his sister-in-law and apparently being left with what is know as a post-hypnotic-suggestion. However it becomes more than that when we find Kevin seeing things that are about to happen, as well as seeing things that have happened in the past.

Apparently a girl disappeared a short while ago, and we learn that her name is Samantha, and she is one of the ghosts communicating with Kevin's son.

The thing that shocks me the most about murders in movies is the thought of the person as they were in real-life, and then their subsequent reduction to what they become after they have been killed. We are apresent to a simple girl with learning difficulties that probably enjoyed life as much as anyone: had a mother and sister who loved her..................and then we see her, still slightly recognizable, as an ashened, blackened corpse that has been walled up in the basement of Kevin Bacon's home. This brought back memories of the Vanishing, when we see Sandra Bullock's character as being full of life and energy...........and then being systematically reduced to a corpse after she is bruied alive

People tend to complain about the ending to this movie but it actually provided a good change to the usual pschological thriller-style endings (Did I mention I hate the Sixth Sense). You're left with a compulsion to explain to the person next to you in the cinema 'THATS WHY HE'S KILLED HIMSELF!' or in our case it was 'Ah....FEATHERS!'.

But the actual ENDING was creepier than one might think.

One has to wonder about the problems that kid is going to have
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