Top of Georgian movies
8 August 2004
Georgia is a little country with a population of 5 million people and its quite amazing, that we could produce such a great movies... (Unfortunately COULD is the key word here)

This is a touching story of a father who takes this long, sometimes very funny and at the same time very sad journey to find his son... his tall, handsome son...

maybe one have to know Georgia and people of Georgia to understand this movie and especially understand this old man...

And though I give credit to the director, I must admit the movie is great because of Sergo Zaqariadze... this is one of the best actors performances you can find... not only in post-soviet countries... I recommend to rent this movie as well, and maybe get a bit of Georgian Soul...

P.S. I don't see why it is recommended 'Ivanovo detstvo' (1962)... GREAT movie from GREAT TARKOVSKI... but nothing in common with 'Father of a Soldier'
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