Review of Conquest

Conquest (1998)
Terrific little movie that is quite memorable
24 June 2001
I first saw this movie on TV, & my first impression was that it was very slow moving, although interesting. I would have rated it about a 6 or 7 at that time. But oddly, I kept thinking about the movie until I got to the point where I just had to see it again, & believe me, as of this writing, it's very difficult to find a copy. I finally found it online at a Canadian video site, which makes sense because it's a Canadian-British production. This movie has many things going for it. First, the atmosphere of Conquest, Sask., Canada is beautifully captured (it's not a real place & actually, three Canadian locations were used for the filming). Conquest is a near-Ghost Town inhabited by a couple dozen senior citizens (there are only two inhabitants who look under 65). Everyone else has left, & for good reason: it's dead boring in Conquest. The place is lifeless until one day when Daisy (Tara Fitzgerald in a magnificent acting job) breezes into town. Her youth, energy, good looks, bright clothes, & caring personality breathe life into this "dust bin" of a town, & the bittersweet story goes from there. The acting is all around great (although it was a bit hard for me to understand some of the main characters, who variously have heavy British, odd French, Canadian, & Vietnamese accents). The simple story is loaded with symbolism, & there are some very David Lynch-esque touches (as in "Twin Peaks"). Lothaire Bluteau (yes, there is an "e" at the end of his first name) is very good in the main male lead. Monique Mercure & David Fox, as an older couple, are both very good. And as I said before, Tara is Terrific & steals the show! I've seen the movie four times now that I own a copy, & it gets better every time. It is slow moving & deliberately paced, but hey, that's part of the charm of Conquest, nothing happening & no place to go. I would categorize this film as a comedy-romance, but actually there's little comedy & little romance, but an awful lot of poignancy. Stick with it, you'll find it a very rewarding experience, & it's a movie that you'll think back to for a long time to come. Parental caution: there is some (separate) male & female nudity in this that may not be appropriate for all kids, but it is not focused upon. I rate it 10/10.
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