The Patriot (2000)
Load of hyped up grotesque bulls**t!
11 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear oh dear

Geez, thank god the Yanks had Mel Gibson on their side otherwise the entire course of histroy could (heaven forbid) be different!

Whilst I am not going to complain about this movie's historical inaccuracy, their are other SERIOUS problems with this movie that must be addressed. May contain *spoilers*

For starters, we are lead to believe almost immediately that the American war of independence was an act that started purely by an oppressed nation hell bent on ridding themselves on the ferocious tyranny of the Naz........woops British

When we see Mel Gibson and his children walk outside and the big regalla is happening, Im quite happy that the scriptwriters made sure the men burning those two mannequins called out 'Hang King George' make sure that we new they were doing something in line with the overexaggerated load of patriotic fervour surrounding the whole film (I think he just had a fetish for burning things actually). Oh yeah, dont forget when Mel Gibson tries his hand at comedy when calling out 'All hail King George' and were made present to a bunch of hollywood nobodys, each wanting to make sure they make the most of their limited camera time by acting truly upset by the comments made by Gibson. The proceeding constant references to how the Redcoats 'Deserve' to die, when each of those drunken yobbos lined up to answer their calling made me almost sick.

Im sure Isaacs character would really have been scared when Gibson goes 'before this war is over Im going to kill you' .........Im surprised he was able to contain himself

Oh dear and what else narked me about this film.............

The speech given by the girl in the church (mind you she wont be giving too many more)

The way the British Soldiers were portrayed. I mean, this whole Idea that the American Revolution consisted of backwater rebels fighting lines of redcoats is a complete fallacy and Emmerich did history no justice in this film.

We're also lead to imagine the british soldiers simply as a bunch of rigid lines of muskets with legs.......who have no brains and are only good for marching in solid formations across completely open makes you wonder how the hell they do the real complicated things like flanking and stuff

Im just really glad the British dragoons got their fair share of action, and that Heath Ledger copped a beauty by Isaacs (best death scene ever.........and funniest).

Hahahah oh yeah, and look out for the extremely very very very interesting and non boring beach wedding, it was Pam and Tommy I tell ya!

Dont waste your time or money with this load of crap
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