The Sifl & Olly Show (1998–1999)
Best when Drunk
22 July 2000
Im very fortunate at the moment that I live in Australia and Sifl 'n' Olly is on MTV on the optus cable network. I first glimpsed at this show about a month ago and was drawn to it straight away. After taping a whole bunch of episodes (and its still running) I find the best fun i can have ever is to knock back about twelve stubbies and watch sifl and olly.....whilst using the music breaks to go and grab another beer. Its a brillaint show, and I like Chester the best because he's always happy......kinda like Swan from 'Cannibal! The Musical'....and he eats sand

Id have to say Stealth is my favourite ....."IM A FAMILY MAN!!!!!!!!!!"
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