9 March 2000
Lots of dazzling special effects and good cinematography. Plus a very appealing (if oft done) premise.

Unfortunately it featured some of the most annoying, unloveable "protagonists" I've ever seen. Not to mention HORRIBLE writing and EVEN WORSE acting. I couldn't get past the first six hours... if I had heard "suck an elf" one more time, I would've hurled a bowling ball at the TV set.

The worst of all was that even the "bad guys" of the film were uninteresting. Normally when the protagonists are so pathetic one can still enjoy the film by rooting for the "evil" side to win. Not so with this movie - by the 3rd hour I was hoping EVERYONE would get wiped out by some fairy-tale-esque mass poisoning. Maybe they did and I missed it because I bailed out after 6 depressingly disappointing hours. One can only hope!
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